Bathing Bearded Dragons is one of the parts your lizard pet will enjoy much and help it remaining healthy. Many bearded dragons owner don't know how to bath and keep a dragon clean, so this should give you the basics about.
Many Beardie keepers come to appreciate the benefits of bathing their lizards. Not only do most Bearded Dragons prefer to potty in the tub (making it very easy for their keepers to clean up after them and disinfect the surfaces). Baths also help during shedding, keeping the loosening skin soft and pliable, ensuring its easy separation.
It seems to be that some Beardies are afraid of the bathtub, whether or not it has water. Some do fine in the empty bathtub, but freak out when you start to run water. So, you should expect that when first introduced to the bathtub your dragon could wriggle and resist. If this is the case you should try a tap or just use a shower. Dragons usually enjoy a bath under running water in the wash basin or bath tub. So probably they will love this experience.
Some Beardies are comfortable bathing in the sink or the bath tub and others may not like bath time at all. You can try placing a see-through Rubbermaid container on your countertop and gently placing your Beardie inside. He may feel more comfortable resting on your hand while it is submerged in the water. Or you could try rolling up a wash cloth and letting him rest his arms on it. They need to feel secure or they will never enjoy bath time.
While bathing your Bearded Dragon, the bath water should ideally be warm on your wrist and not hot, much like bath water for a small child. Make the water only as deep as your Beardie’s chest or half way up their front arms. You should never leave your Beardie unattended in the bath because accidents only take a second to happen.
The ideal temperature for the bath water should be around 95-99oF and remember, if it feels too warm to you then it's definitely too hot for them. Do pick up your Beardie out of the bath water if he decides to poop in it. After bathing gently clean your dragon with a hand towel.
Reptile and amphibian cages and equipment should not be cleaned in the kitchen. Sinks or tubs used for cleaning equipment or bathing reptiles should be disinfected with a bleach solution afterwards.
Bathing is an important part in keeping a healthy dragon and regular bathing will help improve the Beardie’s overall hydration status and keep the Beardie clean. It also helps to relax the muscles thus making it easier for them to go to the bathroom.
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