Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Outdoor Bird Feeders--What Food Should You Use

If you are trying to encourage birds to come into your yard you, not only, need to consider their homes but, also, their diets. Different types of bird seed are suited to different species of birds. Choosing the right type of bird feeder for your anticipated visitors and bird seed for the species of birds found in your area ensures that your visitors stay happy, healthy and well fed. That will keep them coming back year after year.

* Sunflower seeds are the ideal food for species such as sparrows, doves, chickadees, cardinals, blue jays and finches. Most types of hanging feeders can accommodate sunflower seeds. The only thing one must consider is that the bird feeder for the birds be hung fairly high off the ground. You should, also, consider that the feeder offer some sort of protection against squirrels, since squirrels are, also, very fond of sunflowers.
* Another popular seed with birds is corn. Corn attracts birds such as blackbirds, starlings and cardinals. Most large song birds and some smaller ones enjoy corn. So if you want to attract song birds, hang your bird feeder high off the ground with plenty of room around it so that the birds can congregate. Providing platforms and perches at different levels will enable several birds to feed at the same time. Wire caged feeders and mesh are ideal for corn because they keep squirrels and other unwanted visitors away from the feeding station.

It is important to keep your bird feeders clean. Old seed shells and leftover seeds should be removed from the bird feeder periodically. Spilled seed tends to attract rodents. Make sure that the bird feeder gets washed with a soap solution or bleach and water on a regular basis in order to avoid mold and mildew. Taking care of your bird feeder and providing the proper food will insure a happy experience for your bird visitors and you.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tropical Fish Aquariums: Do They Need To Be Different? By Brittney Foster

Brittney Foster

Are you interested in adding a collection of fish to your home or your office? If so, have you decided which type of fish you would like to have displayed? When it comes to fish keeping, there are a relatively large number of individuals who are interested in owning tropical fish. Are you one of those individuals? If so, you may be wondering what type of aquarium you need to purchase. Better yet, you may be wondering if you can use a traditional aquarium or if you need to have a tropical fish aquarium.

What type of aquarium you need to use for tropical fish is one of the most commonly asked questions, especially among first-time tropical fish owners. When searching for aquariums, you may come across fish tanks that are labeled or described as being tropical fish aquariums. This leads many individuals to believe that they need to have a special tropical fish aquarium to own a set of tropic fish. Honestly, that isn’t always the case. After a close examination, you will likely see that tropical fish aquariums are like any other type of aquariums, including saltwater aquariums and freshwater aquariums. Many times, the only difference between these aquariums is the way that they are set up.

When it comes to setting up a tropical fish aquarium, there are a number of important factors that should be taken into consideration. One of those factors is the tropical aquarium fish that you would like to purchase. This is important because there are some tropical aquarium fish that require special care and have special needs. Familiarizing yourself with the specific type of tropical aquarium fish you have or are about to have is one of the best ways to ensure that you go about setting up your tropical fish aquarium correctly. To do this research, you can either perform a standard interenet search or speak with the individual who sold you or is about to sell you your tropical fish. Doing this research ahead of time will help to ensure that your tropical fish are placed in an aquarium that will allow them to live long and healthy lives.

When setting up your tropical fish tank, it is extremely important that your water is in optimal condition for the fish. One mistake that many first time tropical aquarium fish owners make is using tap water. While it is possible to use tap water, will you not want to place your fish into the aquarium right away. In fact, you will need “cycle” the aquarium water and test your water and make sure that it is chlorine free. This is important because certain levels of chlorine can be dangerous to many fish, including tropical aquarium fish. It may be best to fish tank water test supplies to determine the exact condition of your aquarium water. These supplies may include a tap water conditioner. It is also advised that you allow your aquarium to run or “cycle”, once the filtration system has been set up. This will help to clear your tropical fish tank of harmful chemicals.

Since, as previously mentioned, the aquarium that you use isn’t necessarily as important as how you set it up, you are advised to examine your wants and needs when it comes to purchasing an aquarium for your tropical fish. You will want to keep your preference in mind, appearance wise, as well as the space that you have available for an aquarium. When it comes to purchasing tropical fish tank supplies, such as a filtration system or a heater, you may want to seek the assistance of a professional for more information. This assistance can come from a professional tropical fish keeper or from a fish tank supplier or manufacturer, such as Tenecor, who is willing to assist you with buying one or more of their products.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should easily be able to go about finding, purchasing, and setting up a tropical fish aquarium. If you would like to learn more about tropical fish, you are encouraged to perform a standard internet search and review the numerous tropical fish websites that can be found online. It might also be a good idea to invest in a topical fish keeping book or resource guide. The information that you may learn may help you for years to come.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Marine Aquariums: What Are They Ideal For? By Sandy McBride

Sandy McBride

Are you interested in having fish displayed in your home or your office? If so, you will have a number of important decisions to make. Those decisions tend to focus on the type of fish that you would like to own, as well as the type of fish tank that you would like to purchase.

When it comes to choosing fish and a fish tank, it may be best to first decide on the type of fish that you would like to own. This is important because of the type of fish that you would like to own may have a direct impact on the type of fish tank that you need to purchase. For example, if you are interested in purchasing marine fish, sometimes referred to as saltwater fish, your fish tank will need to be different than if you were to own freshwater fish. To save yourself money and an unwanted purchase, it is advised that you examine all of your fish options and choose the one that best fits your needs or your wants.

As stated above, the type of aquarium that you will need to have for saltwater fish may vary from the type of aquarium that you will need to have for freshwater fish. Although you might assume that there are different aquariums styles or types that need to be purchased, there really isn’t. Although there are some fish tanks that are designed or tailored towards saltwater fish, such as marine aquariums, you will find that most traditional aquariums may work just as well. In all honesty, the difference is how your fish tank is set up and maintained; not how it looks.

It has been noted that marine aquariums are more complicated to set up and maintain than freshwater aquariums. While there is some truth to that, it is important to note what happens after set up. As long as your marine aquarium is set up and installed correctly, with the proper supplies and accessories, you may find it easy to maintain your marine aquarium in the future. That is why, despite what you may hear, you are advised against letting the maintence or the setup of a marine aquarium sway you from purchasing one. If you have your heart set on purchasing saltwater or marine animals, you are advised to do so; however, it may be a good idea to examine a number of important factors before making your decision.

One of the most important factors to consider, when determining whether or not you should purchase a marine aquarium, is where your aquarium will be displayed. Although marine aquariums are fine for the office, you may find their setup or installation a little bit difficult to get started. That is why marine aquariums are commonly found inside homes, but they are also popular among some business owners. It is also important to examine your financial resources. Fish keeping, as you may already know, can be a relatively expensive hobby. If you are interested in having saltwater fish, you will need to care for them in the proper way; this care often involves extra money. If you do not have the money or the time needed to maintain a marine aquarium, it may be in your best interest to go with a freshwater aquarium.

If you are still unable to decide whether or not a marine aquarium is the perfect purchase for you, you are advised to further examine marine aquariums and the maintence that they may require. You can easily do this research with a standard internet search, with the purchase of a marine aquarium resource guide, or by speaking to a well-known supplier of marine aquariums, such as Tenecor. When it comes to making any purchase, including a marine aquarium, well informed is the best way to make the decision that can best fit your needs.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Guinea Pigs Health Problems By Florian Ross

Florian Ross

When you first decide to bring a guinea pig into your home, you should be sure that there is a vet who specializes in small pet care in your immediate area. Many people may not consider the expense of veterinary care for other small pets like hamsters or gerbils who live an average of two years, but guinea pigs are not disposal pets. Because they can live on average 4-8 years, they should be considered long-term members of your family, just like a dog or a cat.

Why should you find a vet this early? Because guinea pigs can become ill quickly and deteoriorate rapidly. If you wait to try to find a vet after your pet becomes ill and run into difficulties, it might be too late to save your guinea pig.

With dogs or cats, owners generally take them in for a check-up when its time to renew their shots. Since guinea pigs don't need shots, it can be easy to take their good health for granted. Your guinea pig should see his or her vet at least once a year as well.

Not all vets will treat guinea pigs, so if you have a vet already who treats your other pets, you may want to ask him or her first about whether or not they will be able to care for the new addition to your family. If they don't, ask them to recommend a vet who does.

If you don't already have a vet, then you can check with your local yellow pages to find one. Most advertise that whether or not they accept small pets. Another option is to use an online vet finder, such as the one available at You simply enter your state, and a list of vets who work with guinea pigs will appear. This particular service is not comprehensive, but it will serve as a good starting point for your search for a vet.

Once you purchase your new family member, it might be a good idea to take him or her to your vet for a thorough check-up, especially if you will be bringing it home to other guinea pigs or pets.

As I mentioned above, a guinea pig can become sick quickly and things can go from bad to worse before you realize it. For that reason, it is important to always keep a watchful eye on your cavy because there are a few signs that should immediately alert you that your guinea pig may be sick.
